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The Turkey Day Game

Decades of Great Games!

The Thanksgiving Day Game was a Tradition Most All Miss!

The Turkey Day Game brought many memories for all of us who played in the event. The players that participated in the tradition have some bragging rights about making history in Peoria. So many games with many exciting moments. Some of those moments I remember like it was yesterday. Many games were played in a variety of weather conditions. Some games had unusually warm weather, others had snow and some were played in the mud and rain. Most years you could not make out the numbers on the jerseys when the mud was flying around each play.


Before the games, there was usually a ritual as we all headed to the Peoria Stadium. The big one was preparing a meal that would be ready to eat after the game. Thanksgiving DInner! No matter how hard both teams played, I believe we all looked forward to a great meal and giving thanks.


In 1957, the Turkey Day game was televised. It was a cold day. As stated, 6100 attended, many more watched at home and got a glimpse of this great tradition. Manual was the powerhouse that year , but our Lions dealt a blow to the Rams. Exciting to watch to the very end. Talent was on both teams. Read about a few of them at the bottom of the game highlights. Bob Smith of PHS who went on to coaching fame. Mike Stuart who came back to teach and Coach at PHS. On Manual's team was Gene Petty who played in the pros- both football and baseball.

Bob Sulaski's book on "59 Years of Drumsticks and Pigskins" is a great resource for so many great Turkey Day Games.

The Final Turkey Day Program for November 22, 1973

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